OK, now something really "out of the mangue box", nevertheless delicious...
Diblo Dibala guitarist from Congo (source: Peel Wikia) |
Diblo Dibala, born in 1954 in Kisangani in the Congo (now Zaire), of the Baluba people, is one of the hottest African Soukous lead guitarists around. At the age of 6 Diblo moved to Kinshasa and by the age of 15 he was playing guitar in the great Franco's TPOK band. In Kinshasa, Diblo continued to master his lava-hot guitar chops with such top Zairean bands as Vox Africa, Orchestre Bella Mambo, and Bella Bella.
In 1979 Diblo left Zaire and landed in Brussels where he played a rented guitar and washed dishes to make money. In 1981 he moved to Paris, where the Soukous scene was a happening thing. He rejoined Kanda Bongo Man, who he had played with in Bella Bella. Their first album, Iyole (1981), was a big hit: Kanda became a big star, and Diblo became the most sought-after session man in Paris. Diblo's huge European success with Kanda Bongo Man led to the formation of his own band,
Loketo (which means 'hips', as in 'shake your...'), featuring the work of the gifted vocalist
Aurlus Mabele. By this time Diblo was the dominant Soukous session man in Paris and he was in great demand. On recordings by such Soukous giants as Kanda Bongo Man and Pepe Kalle you can hear them calling out "Diblo" when guitar solo time comes around. In 1990 Diblo left Loketo to form Matchatcha (which means "a type of flower that produces an itch").
--Janet Planet, The African Music Encyclopedia
John Peel and Andy Kershaw, on learning Diblo was making an appearance at Stern's African Records, raced there to get his autograph. Diblo repaid the compliment by giving name checks to both of them on 'Matchatcha Wetu'.
- "Another gig that I've been to in the recent past, and one of the very best that I've been to in my entire life, featured Matchatcha with the guitar player Diblo Dibala from Paris. I'm not a dancing man, to be perfectly honest with you, cos I haven't really got the figure for it, but on this particular occasion I was dancing away like nobody's business, and the high point of the entire magical evening came when he played a new song from the new LP, called O.K. Madame, and the song is called Matchatcha Wetu, and what is particularly significant about this, and this is egotistical of me, I admit it in advance, but if you listen very carefully to this record, one minute and fifteen seconds into it, Diblo goes "Andy Kershaw" (that's the name of one of my colleagues at the radio station I work for in London), BBC, John Peela." You have to listen very carefully to catch it, but believe me, to hear Diblo singing your name on stage is one of the greatest things that's happened to me in my entire life." --Peel Out In The States
all info sourced from: peel.wikia.com/wiki/Diblo_Dibala
Listen to Diblo Dibala - Afropop recording at 50:50min in the show:
DIBALA-DIBLO-19941119_Peel Kershaw BBC
Diblo Dibala And Matchatcha - 1994.Nov.19 - Kershaw & Peel Session #2
tracklist Peel: 1.Intro / 2.Lye (an interjection of happiness] / 3.Kangaroo (a dance) /
tracklist Kershaw:
5.Fodi* (Zaire folk style) / 6.Oliva* (A Girl) / 7.Soupou* (A Soup) /
?.[probably unknow 4th track]
NOTE: only tracks marked * in download (hoping for others to show up...)
-Peel Session (1 track): bc.1995.Jan.14 Peel Show (taped and shared through Peel Group)
-Kershaw Session (3 tracks): rpt.2017.Mar.02, 6music Gideon Coe (captured HQ radio stream)
line-up during sessions:
- Diblo Dibala - guitar
- J.P. Kinzaki - rhythm guitar
- Miguel Yamba - bass
- Komba Bello Mafwala, Dely Mpeletu and David Mondoand - vocals
- Antoinette Yelessa and Joelle Esso - dancers
More Diblo Dibala
"il faut me pardonner - you must forgive me"