Saturday, 23 January 2016

Kadé Diawara from the RTG sound archives

As an addition to the previously posted K7 , here a fantastic and unique recording:
source: (uploaded by openbookpublishers)

Kadé Diawara - Banankoro [c.1976] (4:25) Syliphone 4-446-10.

The recording has been embedded in:
From Dust to Digital: Ten Years of the Endangered Archives Programme. [editor: Maja Kominko]
ch.17: Music for a revolution: the sound archives of Radio Télévision Guinée - by Graeme Counsel.
Open Book Publishers, 2015.

This digital recording has been produced as part of the Endangered Archive Programme of the British Library. (c) with permission from Sterns Music, all rights reserved.


  1. Hello mangue!
    Have just recognized your blog.
    Mango is much too sweet but I like the music you share.
    A complete sleeve's scan of 'Les Hits du Guinea Vol. 2' would be highly appreacheated.
    By the way, post-colonial african head of states is a delicate topic. Perhaps one wasn't bad but a dreamer all others were bad to evil. Sékou Touré however is counted to be one of the 'killers', better to ignore him.
    What you experienced in concern of his former palace is not a special feature, travel to the Congo
    and visit places which were important to Mobutu, you may not understand.
    All the best for the future

    1. Hello Thomas,

      Here's the full scan:
      Regarding post-colonial African heads of state, you're right, still for me the experience was special, never been to the Congo though.
      Searched the web for pictures of the hotel, couldn't find any, may it's been broken down by now (and replaced by a new one).
      Glad you enjoy the music, and just eat other fruit while listening.

      PS: Do you may be have any K7s from Congo?
